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Health and Safety
Yaser Fanari T.W recognizes its responsibility to our employees, clients, associates, subcontractors as well as our community and overall environment.
We have set HSE standards for ourselves to assure all employees a Safe Place of Work. We constantly strive to better our work to achieve our goal of zero incidents, with no lost time or reportable injuries, no environmental incidents, or property damage, and the smallest “environmental footprint” feasible.
This policy is signed by the top management of Yaser Fanari T.W. and will be prominently displayed in our offices and on our sites. To this we secure the following commitments and actions:
- Compliance with HSE International, Local regulations and standards.
- Project hazard identification, evaluation and risk assessments in order to eliminate operational hazards.
- Development, documentation and implementation of relevant procedures.
- Providing adequate information, training, instructions and supervision for employees to promote their awareness and understanding of HSE Issues.
- HSE management of contractors and suppliers shall act in line with this policy. In addition, we expect our contractors and suppliers to join us in following these HSE principles.
- Implement reliable and effective measures to reduce risk of injuries, pollutions, occupational illness and property damages.
- Design, build, operate and maintain its projects/facilities for safe operations and provide resources that protect people, assets, environment and safeguard Yaser Fanari T. W.
- Build employees’ and contractors’ capability and knowledge to continuously improve HSE performance best practices and ultimately achieved the desired HSE culture.
- Always establish effective preparedness and response to deal with emergency and crisis situations.
- Review systems, controls, processes and technology to maintain HSE integrity and to remain relevant and appropriate to Yaser Fanari T.W.

Yaser Fanari T.W.
commitment to health, safety and environment protection is understood in all the organization and implements this policy via HSE Management System which aims to continual improvement by defining related responsibilities through the organization.
Therefore it is imperative that all employees at all levels and contractors full understand and strictly adhere to this policy at all times.